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AQUAMAP 1022xs

AQUAMAP 1022xs

产品料号 010-01846-02


AQUAMAP 1022xs AQUAMAP 1022xs AQUAMAP 1022xs AQUAMAP 1022xs

新一代 AQUAMAP 带来无限钓鱼乐趣

  • 支持多种语言:英文、简体中文、繁体中文、日文、韩文、印度尼西亚文、马来西亚文、越南文、缅甸文、印地文、古吉拉特文、泰文
  • 使用10英寸彩色显示屏,按键操控,配备多功能旋钮
  • 全网络功能,支持 Garmin 航海网络和 NMEA 2000® 以及 NMEA 0183通讯协议
  • 内置1kW 77/200kHz 及 2kW 50/200kHz 传统声纳模组、1kW宽频段CHIRP声纳模组和CHIRP ClearVü/SideVü扫描声纳模组。以影像级画质呈现水下目标、结构和鱼群图像,及时掌握水下实时信息。支持使用第三方2kW传统50/200kHz 换能器
  • 内置高灵敏度 10Hz GPS、GLONASS 及 BEIDOU 卫星定位系统,可以轻松绘制 30,000 个精确航点,让您找到返回垂钓热点的路线(需搭配外接GPS天线)

新一代AQUAMAP多功能导航仪采用一体化设计,使用10英寸高亮度彩色显示屏,配备可编程按键和多功能控制旋钮,带来的便捷操控体验。完全兼容Garmin航海网络设备,支持多个设备之间共享声纳,海图,用户数据,雷达,网络摄像头。NMEA 2000网络和NMEA 0183通讯协议支持自动舵,数字电控系统,天气预报,FUSION-Link,VHF,AIS、引擎数据监控和其他传感器的信号采集和应用,并搭载独特的帆船助航功能。内置CHIRP 传统声纳和CHIRP ClearVü 模组,同时支持Panoptix实时动态声纳和外置型Garmin高阶声纳模块,并拥有各种换能器供选择搭配(需单独购买)。




Garmin航海网络支持多个设备之间共享声纳,海图,用户数据,雷达,IP摄像头和Panoptix™实时动态声纳。同时NMEA 2000网络和NMEA 0183通讯协议支持自动舵,数字电控系统,天气预报,FUSION-Link,VHF,AIS、引擎数据监控和其他传感器的信号采集和应用。




简单快捷,开箱即用。您只需连接换能器即可体验多功能声纳画面。内置Garmin 1kW 77/200kHz及2kW 50/200kHz 传统声纳;1kW CHIRP传统声纳和500W CHIRP ClearVü扫描声纳模块;同时支持Panoptix实时动态声纳和 外置型Garmin高阶声纳模块,并拥有各种换能器选择搭配(需单独购买)。








航向和位置每秒刷新 10 次

内置高灵敏度 10Hz GPS/GLONASS/北斗定位系统接收器,提供每秒10次的位置和航向刷新,使您的移动状态更流畅地显示在屏幕上,并且航点标记和导航更加准确。航仪可保存多达30000个精确航点信息,您可轻松快速地找到并导航至这些航点。



配备两个SD™卡槽,便于用户保存数据和购买使用补充地图,比如 LakeVü HD, LakeVü HD Ultra 、 BlueChart® g2 或 BlueChart g2 Vision®。BlueChart g2 Vision HD 提供 Garmin 航线自动规划技术,可根据船只参数和海图数据,自动生成一条避开已知危险和障碍点的参考安全航线,并可自行修改和保存这条航线。



Quickdraw Contours是一款易于使用的免费软件功能,可以以1英尺等深线精度创建属于您自己的个性化高清渔用海图。可根据需要完全自行绘制,数据可以自己保留或者通过Garmin Connect™ Quickdraw Community分享给您的朋友或其他Garmin设备。使用Quickdraw Contours功能,无需特别学习和训练,在正常的航行或垂钓过程中即可自动完成未知区域的等深线绘制,并将绘制结果立即呈现。


支持Fantom固态多普勒雷达 体验MotionScope功能

MotionScope™技术利用多普勒效应侦测和标注移动目标,避免潜在碰撞风险、发现鸟群及追踪天气变化。多普勒效应是目标的相对动作在雷达回波中产生的频率移动,由此即可立即侦测任何朝雷达方向移动或远离的目标。MotionScope 可在显示器上标注移动目标,即使在交通繁忙或恶劣天气中航行也可及时发现危险,或是侦测海面鸟群,寻找垂钓地点。








为了帮助您在帆船竞技中获得风力最大化的竞争优势,您的多功能导航仪设有一个赛前指导页面,显示您的虚拟起航线以及转向方位线,在触线之前需要消耗的时间和比赛计时器,并与所有联网Garmin GPS产品同步时间。此外,仪表显示屏可罗列重要的航行须知信息,包括真风向和视风向、真风速和视风速、流速和流向、水平或垂直图表以及包含可自定义数据字段的数据条形图。





外观尺寸 31.8 x 18.5 x 6.9 厘米
屏幕尺寸 22.4 x 12.5 厘米; 25.7 厘米 对角线
屏幕分辨率 1024 x 600 像素
屏幕类型 WSVGA
机身重量 1.85 公斤
天线形式 内置天线或外置 NMEA 2000 天线
NMEA 2000® 兼容性  
NMEA 0183® 兼容性  
功率消耗 12VDC 最大功耗: 32.4 W
标准电流:1.9 A
最大电流:2.7 A
安装方式 支架式,嵌入式


卡槽数量 标准SD x 2
航点储存数量 5000
航线储存数量 100
航迹储存数量 50(当前航迹最多50000航点)


Garmin声纳 (内置)


双频声纳(50/200 kHz)  
双波束声纳(77/200 kHz)  
支持频率 传统:50/77/200 kHz
单通道CHIRP:40 - 240 kHz,
CHIRP ClearVü:260/455/800 kHz
发射功率(RMS) 传统50/200 kHz 声纳:最大 2 kW
传统77/200 kHz 声纳:最大 500W
CHIRP 高/中/低频:最大 1kW
Garmin ClearVü CHIRP: 最大 500 W
CHIRP 声纳技术  
ClearVü (内置 CHIRP)
最大探测深度 2kW 5000 英尺


NMEA0183数据接口 2
  • GPSMAP 1022xs
  • 电源/数据线
  • NMEA 2000 接头
  • NMEA 2000 分支电缆(2 米)
  • 支架安装套件 (附旋钮)
  • 嵌入安装套件 (附垫圈)
  • 屏幕保护盖
  • 面板饰条
  • 使用说明及安装手册


Garmin Corporation("Garmin")在可适用之产品正常操作下同意您一个有限制且不独占的授权去使用本升级软件程序("本软件"),本软件的标 题、所有权与知识产权依然为Garmin所有,Garmin只允许您个人使用本软件,您也可以自行拷贝起来使用,但仅限于自己个人的使用,假使您同意本条 款,您不须签名认可,本条约依然有其效力。


本软件的知识产权是属于Garmin,并且被保护于美国著作权法与国际版权协议之下,您必须更进一步的了解,本软件的架构、组织、编码与原始码是属于 Garmin的有价值商业秘密,您同意将不会对本软件作编辑、修改、拆解、还原工程、或其它试图察知原始码之尝试。



GPS software update


Aquamap10x2/12x2 v4.00_STEP_1


Aquamap10x2/12x2 v4.00_STEP_2


Aquamap10x2/12x2 v4.00_STEP_3

GPS software update

Installation Instructions:

  1. Copy "gps_fw.bin" file under Garmin\RemoteSW folder on SD card.
  2. Insert the SD card into the unit, select “Update GPS Software” to activate the GPS software update.

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Aquamap10x2/12x2 v4.00_STEP_1

Release Note:

  1. User Interface Update
  2. Garmin Navionics+ Mapping
  3. Autopilot Updates
  4. Analog Gauge Update
  5. Vessel Look-Ahead
  6. Chart Points of Interest (POI) Review Feature
  7. Common Troubleshooting Assistance
  8. Sailing Feature (Polars & Filtering)
  9. New Fusion User Interface
  10. Surround View Improvements

Installation Instructions:

  1. Please use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the pre-installation. The unit will reboot two times and the screen might be flashing or blanking out into several colors, which is normal behavior. Please wait until the whole process has been done before moving to the next step. It will take about 5 minutes to finish.
  2. Use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the secondary installation. This package will install the main partition. The unit will reboot two times and please wait until the whole process has been done before moving to the next step. It will take about 5 minutes to finish. After reboot, user need to pass through the startup wizard options before moving forward to next step.
  3. Use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the third installation. This package will install the recovery partition. The unit will reboot two times and please wait until the whole process has been done. It will take about 5 minutes to finish.
  4. Please do not turn off the unit while the update is in progress. If any of the steps become unsuccessful, try to repeat the same installation step again, avoid moving directly to next step.

System requirements:

  • Windows / Linux PC or Mac that has available SD card reader.

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Aquamap10x2/12x2 v4.00_STEP_2

Release Note:

  1. User Interface Update
  2. Garmin Navionics+ Mapping
  3. Autopilot Updates
  4. Analog Gauge Update
  5. Vessel Look-Ahead
  6. Chart Points of Interest (POI) Review Feature
  7. Common Troubleshooting Assistance
  8. Sailing Feature (Polars & Filtering)
  9. New Fusion User Interface
  10. Surround View Improvements

Installation Instructions:

  1. Please use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the pre-installation. The unit will reboot two times and the screen might be flashing or blanking out into several colors, which is normal behavior. Please wait until the whole process has been done before moving to the next step. It will take about 5 minutes to finish.
  2. Use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the secondary installation. This package will install the main partition. The unit will reboot two times and please wait until the whole process has been done before moving to the next step. It will take about 5 minutes to finish. After reboot, user need to pass through the startup wizard options before moving forward to next step.
  3. Use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the third installation. This package will install the recovery partition. The unit will reboot two times and please wait until the whole process has been done. It will take about 5 minutes to finish.
  4. Please do not turn off the unit while the update is in progress. If any of the steps become unsuccessful, try to repeat the same installation step again, avoid moving directly to next step.

System requirements:

  • Windows / Linux PC or Mac that has available SD card reader.

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Aquamap10x2/12x2 v4.00_STEP_3

Release Note:

  1. User Interface Update
  2. Garmin Navionics+ Mapping
  3. Autopilot Updates
  4. Analog Gauge Update
  5. Vessel Look-Ahead
  6. Chart Points of Interest (POI) Review Feature
  7. Common Troubleshooting Assistance
  8. Sailing Feature (Polars & Filtering)
  9. New Fusion User Interface
  10. Surround View Improvements

Installation Instructions:

  1. Please use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the pre-installation. The unit will reboot two times and the screen might be flashing or blanking out into several colors, which is normal behavior. Please wait until the whole process has been done before moving to the next step. It will take about 5 minutes to finish.
  2. Use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the secondary installation. This package will install the main partition. The unit will reboot two times and please wait until the whole process has been done before moving to the next step. It will take about 5 minutes to finish. After reboot, user need to pass through the startup wizard options before moving forward to next step.
  3. Use to make an update card (Unzip and drag the 'Garmin' folder to SD card. The 'Garmin' folder should be the highest level folder on the SD card.) and insert it to the unit to do the third installation. This package will install the recovery partition. The unit will reboot two times and please wait until the whole process has been done. It will take about 5 minutes to finish.
  4. Please do not turn off the unit while the update is in progress. If any of the steps become unsuccessful, try to repeat the same installation step again, avoid moving directly to next step.

System requirements:

  • Windows / Linux PC or Mac that has available SD card reader.

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